I love the earth, I think consumerism is ridiculous, but I love buying shit. Aside from posts about the environment and some stuff I would buy, could I afford it---I'll post YouTube videos, new music I enjoy and funny things.
Turn your useless front lawn into something sustainable. I don't have a lawn, but I might one day. And I wonder how many trees were used in the making of the paper for this book? Hopefully it's recycled paper!
"Instead of mowing your lawn, you should eat it." - Schlosser, author of "Fast Food Nation."
We're obviously in the era of consuming, and have been rapidly doing so since the 1950's. Unfortunately not all of our consumed products can be recycled and reused due to the toxic chemicals put into them. Today I'm posting a few green-products that are available or will soon be.
Looking to buy or replace your computer? Go for a laptop, uses less plastic and less packaging.
If you're replacing a mac, Apple will recycle it for you!
Become a trashionista!
Girls: check out SUBLET, a line out of NYC focused on community and sustainability:
More on green clothes: http://www.treehugger.com/fashion_beauty/ Or just shop at your local thrift store! Someones trash really could become your treasure.
Really great art-awareness piece by Eduardo Srur: Srur created large plastic soda-looking bottles to place along Tiete River in Sao Paulo to raise awareness of water pollution in Brazil.
credit: men.style.com
Check out his website for more images and information:
-Click English-->then art-->then 2007-->then PETS
Video post one: love this song by The Morning Benders "Waiting for a War", and look for the man with the full-beard; beardtastic.
credit: botsattack
and #2: video about suburban building in the past and what we should consider in the future (I don't agree with everything Kunstler says but it's entertaining and provocative nonetheless.)